The AutoCorrect Advantage

The Future of AutoCorrect

The future of AutoCorrect is here.  However, the direction it takes from here is up to you.  At this time there is nothing to compete with “The System.”  However, it is still a new idea, a new technology, and at this time it is uncertain what the public response will be to it.  It is true that “The System” has certain natural limitations due to competing word groups; but from a practical standpoint, the only serious limitations are within the AutoCorrect system itself – and 2 minor issues impose certain limits on the capabilities of  “The System.”

Before going on, I want to state categorically that Microsoft’s AutoCorrect system is an absolutely awesome system, and works flawlessly during normal operation.  You honestly cannot ask for a more dependable or responsive system, and I cannot be more pleased with its overall performance.  However, during the creation of the Writer’s AutoCorrect Abbreviation Dictionary, Microsoft’s AutoCorrect system was tested to the limits, and 2 minor shortcomings have been identified and isolated – and one of them is in its ACL file capacity.

System Capacity and Limitations

In this section I will briefly list these 2 minor limitations, and the plan for a future edition of “The System” to deal with them; as well as a short list of potential improvements that could be instituted – but only if popular demand warrants it.  So without further ado, here are the 2 minor issues with modern AutoCorrect systems:

1)  First, there is a need to increase the capacity of Microsoft’s AutoCorrect system.  When the ACL file is stuffed, it becomes “compressed,” and creates a couple minor issues while entering or deleting entries.  It does not affect typing performance whatsoever, and this is why the Modified ACL file is offered in 3 sizes.  It is fully explained in “Mastering AutoCorrect,” or click on the ACL file capacity link above.

A)  Having greater capacity will allow more than one option on some word groups; and a future edition will contain comprehensive lists of professional terms from every major profession, which is now prohibitive.

B)  However, it should be noted that any individual can look up and add all of the special idiomatic words that pertain to their profession without any issues whatsoever.  We are talking about including ALL of them here.

2)  While abbreviating terms or phrases containing 2 or more words, sometimes AutoCorrect will let you use an abbreviation [that is being used] for the LAST word – but most of the time it won’t.  However, they will all work when you first enter them, and then most of them will “reset” when you restart your computer. Then, instead of typing the desired term, AutoCorrect may ignore the first part of the abbreviation, and simply type out the word represented by the last segment of the abbreviation – a minor irritation and limitation.

A)  The problem is that it significantly limits the VARIETY of combinations available for terms and phrases.  With this corrected, it would open a whole new world in the ease of abbreviating terms and phrases.

These are the two main functional issues.  For most people, they will not be an issue at all as they will not be using up system capacity, nor will they be attempting to use ALL of the terms and phrases.  However, a new software version will correct these, and add a few additional features as listed next.

Note:  However, it is to be understood that while “The System” contains around 33,000 abbreviations, no one would [nor should] ever try to appropriate all of them, but will instead craft a personal system of abbreviations from the Master List that suits their needs.  However, for the sake of increasing flexibility, and to expand system capabilities, we still must deal with the prospect of increasing ACL file capacity also. 

features of future PRO edition

If popular demand warrants it, a new software edition may include some or all of the following features:

1)  As noted, either an upgraded ACL file or program may eventually be offered that will allow instantaneous installation of all the AutoCorrect entries that are listing in “The System’s” Master List.

2)  Greater capacity allowing for virtually unlimited addition of AutoCorrect entries.

3)  Built-in storage and organization of lists:  This may include an “Auto-List” function, that will allow you to simply click on word groups and have them added to designated lists.

4)  “Auto-entry” feature.  If possible, it would allow you to click on a word and have the word or entire group added instantly into AutoCorrect, obsoleting the current entering system completely.

5)  More freedom in creating abbreviations for terms and phrases, by adjusting how AutoCorrect reads them.

6)  Choice of US, UK, or AUS English:  At this time it is only offered in US English.

A)  In the meantime, Britons, South Africans, and Australians can simply adjust entries as they are added.

Note: Unfortunately, the various limitations with the AutoCorrect system forced me to reduce the size of my original vision. However, if popular demand warrants it, at a minimum I will be amassing massive lists of various professional, scientific, geographical, and other types of terms, and offering them as free updates as a convenience to my customers; and sent to them via email.  Likewise, it is also possible MIcrosoft will address these minor issues and offer an update.  Furthermore, it is also conceivable that a Texting App could be created, and perhaps “The System” could be adapted to Tablets, and integrated with web search engines, and even web builders; as it is a practical time-saver that has other potential applications.  However, there will be no future apps or anything – if people do not buy it en masse now.  Those who do will receive any free updates and a discount on a future software edition sent to their email if they sign up to be on our email list.

Note that otherwise, “The System” will always be available in its present form. 

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"The System" in action

Speed Tips

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"The System" is for you


Tutorials on AutoCorrect
and typing abbreviations