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The Kinesis Advantage


Kinesis advantage 2 Ergonomic keyboard

With a mind toward embracing the future, I would be remiss to neglect to mention one of the greatest advancements in word processing technology: The Kinesis Advantage 2 Ergonomic Keyboard.  This keyboard is my own personal choice, and not only is it the best keyboard on the market [in my opinion] but it also played an indispensable role in the creation of "The System."   I could not have created it without it.

As you can see by the picture, the Kinesis Advantage 2 Keyboard is incredibly stylish, which is reason enough to purchase one – and looks like it was ripped right from the console of a futuristic star-cruiser. However, let me tell you; star-cruisers only wish they had one of these. Furthermore, it doesn't take a genius to see how perfectly ergonomic it is; with a curved face, and wide stance – with your arms in perfect alignment straight in front of you.  It also has [ergonomically] concaved key wells, an incredibly efficient key layout, and I cannot even begin to describe to you how unbelievably comfortable and fast this keyboard is.

The keyboard has a built-in micro-processor that allows you to install macros that can be operated by a foot-pedal] making this the perfect companion to "The System."  However, what made this little creampuff an indispensable tool in the creation of "The System," was the fact that the arrow keys are not off to the side, but directly beneath your fore and index fingers, making it incredibly easy to navigate not only the AutoCorrect system, but entire documents.  Once you get used to this keyboard, you will find you only have to lift your hand to use your mouse a fraction of the time, saving both time and shoulder-strain.

say goodbye to Carpal tunnel syndrome

With the Kinesis Advantage Pro 2 Keyboard, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is pretty much a thing of the past, as it is chiefly caused by the cramped, awkward positioning of hands directly in front of you; and tilted keyboards are not the answer either.  The hands need to be apart – period.  Furthermore, if you use a laptop a lot, then you are in even greater danger of developing Carpal Tunnel, and treating it is nearly impossible – and very expensive – making the cost of this keyboard minute in comparison; not to mention all the time wasted in doctor's offices. 

Now I must confess that I am somewhat slow to adapt to new technologies; so when I first purchased my Kinesis Advantage Pro Keyboard, I almost sent it back as it felt a little awkward to me at first; but now I cannot imagine life without one  – nor would I want to.  And you can forget about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In fact, it is because I am so impressed with these keyboards, and the fact that it is an incredible asset for anyone who wants to take advantage of this abbreviation system – that I became an affiliate distributor.

These keyboards are not cheap, but nothing good ever is.  They are of the highest quality, and so far appear to last forever.  After 10 years, I am still using my original keyboard, although I did buy a second one as a spare [as I can not imagine typing without one].   Still, for the manifold benefits afforded the serious typist, the cost is negligible at best [in the $300 range].  The fact is, I could never have entered the *33,000 entries into the AutoCorrect system without it – as this keyboard enabled me to enter the AutoCorrect entries speed-demon fast; with a technique that is fully documented in the "Mastering AutoCorrect" booklet.

I am so impressed with this keyboard that soon I will become an online distributor for Kinesis, but for now I don't want you to miss out, so I am offering a link directly to the good folks at Kinesis  – so click below for more information or to purchase the Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard:

Video Demos

Watch video demos of
"The System" in action

Speed Tips

Practice these to see if
"The System" is for you


Tutorials on AutoCorrect
and typing abbreviations